Customer update
Your options for end-to-end data management
Guillaume Rondy,
VP Data and Communications, SimCorp
Paul Ravenscroft,
Product Manager, SimCorp
Patrick Engelhard,
VP Delivery Data Services, SimCorp
Ramesh Rabadiya,
Product Manager, SimCorp
Johannes Kollross,
Senior Manager, Data Management, SimCorp
Carsten Kunkel,
Head of Regulatory Center of Excellence, SimCorp
Henri Hytönen,
Head of Securities Administration, Fennia
Customer update - Your options for end-to-end data management
Duration: 2 hours
For enterprise data management to work well, you have to align all the systems. The more integrations you have, the more chances for data breaks and errors. That’s why end-to-end or E2E data management is gaining popularity. E2E data management ensures that your data is sourced, stored and reported on in one integrated flow so you can reduce risk and cost.
Watch the recording for an in-depth look at holistic data management starting with your market and reference data and ending with compliant sustainable investments.
Data trends and landscape
Data sourcing and architecture:
- Reference Data Management
- Data as a Service innovation
- Update on Cloud Data Warehouse
Market drivers:
- ESG data management use case
- Upcoming EMIR Refit. Hear how SimCorp can help you and learn from Fennia’s experience
Wrap up and Q&A