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Legal Rule Sets: Upcoming changes for collective investment funds

In an effort to further strengthen the EU’s Capital Markets Union, changes to UCITS and AIFMD are emerging. 

At EU level, relevant parties have entered the trilogue on amendments to the AIFMD. In the course of the preliminary negotiations, the scope has been extended to align with the UCITS Directive, thus changes to the UCITS Directive are also to be expected. However, the changes will likely not have an effect on our rule sets.

Further amendments to UCITS are expected due to a legislative package aimed at enhancing the attractiveness of EU CCPs. The proposal amends the UCITS Directive to eliminate counterparty risk limits for all derivative transactions that are centrally cleared by a CCP, thereby establishing a level playing field between exchange traded and OTC derivatives.

The SimCorp Legal Rule Set team continues to monitor and follow the developments of these and other regulatory developments, assess the impact on our rule sets, and prepare appropriate changes to the rules.

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