KBC Asset Management
Client story
How KBC Asset Management uses tech innovation to improve investment performance
KBC Asset Management, the leading provider in Belgium for retail funds and institutional portfolios, is adopting new technology innovations to achieve better investment performance for its clients.
In this short video, Wim Van Hellemont, General Manager, Transform & Channels, explains the company’s approach to sourcing and implementing new innovations and the benefits of an open platform architecture to accelerate technological development.

“For the front office that meant sourcing new ways of creating alpha for the portfolios, thinking about new ways of implementing alpha in a portfolio and having more focus on risk – not from the traditional way but factor risks that we are looking at in our portfolios – up to now where we even have fully end-to-end AI-developed portfolios.”
Quick Facts
Name: KBC Asset Management
Headquarters: Brussels, Belgium
Industry: Asset management
AUM: EUR 236bn (2021)
Established: 1998
Website: www.kbcam.be
About KBC Asset Management
Founded in 1998, KBC Asset Management is part of the KBC Group and was formed as a result of the directives of the Belgian banking system requiring KBC Bank to delegate its asset management activities to a separate company. Ever since, KBC Asset Management has offered asset management and related services to private investors, companies, and the rest of the investment public, and is today the market leader in Belgium for both retail funds and institutional portfolios.