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Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management (Luxembourg)

Client story

Optimizing portfolio and risk management capabilities

In this video, Charles-Edouard Legrandjacques, Head of Business Analysis Risk Management at Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management (EdRAM) in Luxembourg, reflects on the company’s long-standing, strategic partnership with SimCorp.

With SimCorp Dimension as the core portfolio management, investment fund compliance and risk management system across all its corporate entities, EdRAM has reduced their operational risk and provided enhanced transparency to investors. More recently, the company entered into a strategic partnership with SimCorp, as the foundation for its EOS Portfolio Management service offering, providing secure and segregated access to third-party asset managers.

Charles-Edouard Legrandjacques, Head of Business Analysis Risk Management at Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management (Luxembourg)

“EdRAM’s success has been defined by a favorable trend in inflows observed last year on the liquid assets, a good resistance during financial turbulences and significant commitments on the illiquid part. Innovation remains at the core of our value proposition, and it is important to have a partner like SimCorp that brings answers to a changing world.”

Charles-Edouard Legrandjacques,

Head of Business Analysis Risk Management at Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management (Luxembourg)

Quick Facts

Name: Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management
Industry: Asset Management
AUM: CHF 73bn (As of December 31, 2021)
Established: 1953

About Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management

EdRAM’s business in asset management is to make conviction-driven investments that deliver for their clients. They act boldly, making committed choices to achieve long-term value creation. EdRAM’s strategies cover all assets, liquid and real, to give access to complementary sources of performance. As a result, EdRAM offers innovative investment solutions that are perfectly matched to each client’s profile, and that remain relevant in changing market conditions.

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